Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

When it comes to exercises to lose belly fat you definitely do not want to focus on doing situps and crunches all day long because you'll end up wasting your time. Many people automatically assume that spot reduction in fat is not possible but that is not entirely true because there are statistical differences when you focus on working one area on your body. The only problem is that this statistical difference is very small and will literally take you years to develop any kind of results that you want. The secret to burning fat is to be doing exercises that are going to increase your heart rate while also using multiple muscle groups which will elevate your metabolism thus burning more fat. Many people waste their time by jogging on a treadmill and doing situps all day but the truth is there are many different exercises they should be doing to lose belly fat fast.

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The first step in discovering the best exercise to lose belly fat are finding ones that use multiple muscle groups in compound movements such as deadlifts, squats and mountain climbers. The trade-off that these type of exercises is that it's going to be much more difficult than doing situps or crunches so having a higher intensity is necessary. Circuit training is going to be another highly effective method of burning fat and is recommended that you do each exercise for at least 40 seconds at a time with minimum amount of rest time in between exercises. Also on the exercises that involve all weighted resistance you should also choose a weight that is very challenging and doesn't cause you to lose form. Most people believe that lifting light weights for higher repetitions is the key to losing fat but the truth is they'll see minimal results from doing that type of training.

Another highly effective exercise to lose stomach fat is high intensity interval training and these type of workouts involve sprinting for a set period of time and then resting before repeating the cycle. Studies have found this training method to be nine times more effective than the traditional steady-state cardio exercise so this is a total no-brainer when it comes to working out for fat loss. You can also finish your workouts much faster than you would jogging as most of these high intensity interval training sessions only need to be 20 min. long. But you don't have to do sprints per se as you can also do other forms of cardiovascular exercise such as swimming, spinning and stair climbing.

After you finish doing your resistance training and high intensity interval training workouts then he can focus on doing abdominal focused exercises. There's no doubt that doing situps and crunches will help build lean muscle in your stomach but to see this definition you're going to have to first eliminate the layer fat that rests on top of it. The training methods explained above are the most highly effective workouts to lose belly fat but also make sure they are eating with proper nutrition because it will be very very difficult to lose weight if you're constantly eating with bad habits. I hope you discovered some great exercises to lose belly fat in this article and that you implement them into your next workout by starting off slow while gradually progressing as you get better.

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